To talk about it seems redundant, hurtful, and unnecessary.
To not blog about it seems disingenuous.
To blog about a household project or a date night with Adam seems frivolous and silly.
Some days have been good. Others have bordered on great.
But then, a hard day will come along and drag me down to the depths of despair I felt when it all began.
In truth, I haven’t completely sorted out my emotional state at the moment and I feel like perhaps that is best done quietly. At home. With Adam.
In short, I’m not saying goodbye to blogging. I’m just saying that I still need some time. One day, hopefully soon, I’ll wake up with a post that seems too genuine not to share. And somehow, despite my shifting moods or my sadness, I’ll feel compelled to come back to this space I love and share it with you all. When that happens, it will be a big step forward for me. I’m honestly looking forward to it.
So here’s to moving forward… eventually.